So, hello again.

So hello, again. Boy, have I been busy! Frankly, it would take me too long to explain everything that’s been going on over the last few months, and most of you would be bored to tears by it anyway.

The important thing is that business has been going well, I’ve learned a whole new bag of WordPress tricks that I want to bring to you, and things have never been better. But, this post is really meant to be more of a reset point, than anything informational.

However, I would love to give you one new interesting piece of efficiency that I’m using on my own website that you might be able to use on yours. Right now, I am dictating this entire post on my phone. Yes, I have an iPhone, and yes, I’m using Siri. But, there are good free dictation application out there for various platforms (I’ll get into those another time), and you can use those to create quick posts, tweets, and other items when you have a few minutes of downtime.

The biggest question I’m always asked is “how do I rank higher in search engines?” The simple answer is create more content. Although it is more complicated than that, good quality, consistent content on your website will be the cornerstone of getting ranked higher on search engines. Just like a lot of you, I don’t have the time (or am unwilling to make the time) to write new content for my website. I am finding that I can write short, but still thoughtful, items for my website while doing laundry, dishes, or simply going for a quick walk. Yes, I might look a little strange talking to myself while walking the neighborhood, but I am still able to get content written. Food for thought…

Anyway, back to the point of this post: to reintroduce myself. I’m going to start working on getting to a regular schedule of posting again. I’m going to be including information about interesting WordPress plug-ins I’ve found, search engine optimization, and whatever interesting articles I find.

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