New Website Launch: Karen Millican

The C3 Standard package is not meant for every website, but it is a great fit for a lot of situations. So many times I see people get caught up in design or spending weeks on messaging or some “cool factor” feature they want on their website. In the meantime, they have nothing online and are losing potential business, readers, contacts, etc.

This is a short “case study” on one person who knew the value of getting something online quickly & cleanly and how fast you can have a C3 Standard website up and running:

On Monday, April 9, I received an email from a business colleague and friend, Marilyn McCray, letting me know that a colleague of hers, Karen Millican, might be interested in a simple and easy to manage website.

I emailed Karen to let her know I would be interested in helping her out. We scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, April 11. We talked through what she was looking for and the C3 Standard package sounded like a good fit. All she would have to supply is a Word document with her text and any photos/logos for the site. She already had most of it done, so that evening she sent everything she had to me. Her site went live Thursday, April 12.

We went from complete strangers to a full website in less than 4 days. Sure, the site needs some tweaks (which we will be doing today), but instead of a dead link when someone types in her domain name, she has a nice, simple website that will be easy to update and edit. More importantly – it is online now, not a month from now.

You can see her site at

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